Club Policies


We are very excited about having the parents/family/friends watch our practice.  We think it’s very important that the parents/family/friends get the opportunity to watch and see what goes on during a NO NAME practice!  

We do expect that everyone that is there, to watch, will respect what the coaches are doing and follow these simple rules.  If the rules are not followed, the rule breakers will be asked to leave the gym, and can not return for 1 week.

1) There will be no standing, or hanging around near the equipment door.  Come on in, and move out of that area.  All parents MUST watch from the Northeast or Southeast corners.  We can not promise that there will be lots of space or chairs available.

2) Talking will be at a very low whisper.  I know that we have a tight knit group of parents, so please just remember we are at practice!  We are here to coach your kids, not to talk over outside voices.

3) Please turn your phones OFF!

4) Please do not shag or touch any volleyballs.  DO NOT YELL ball if you see a ball on the court.

5) Please control your younger children.  If they need a place to play, we have a great lobby.  There is no ball playing in the lobby.

6) Do not bring water over to your children. 

7) Do not talk to the coaches unless they ask you questions.  We only have a certain amount of time on the court, and we will need every minute of it!

8) If you have a payment or paper work to give to a coach, please do it after practice or have your child give it to the proper coach.

9) Please be sure to treat our beautiful facility like it is yours!!!!!!  We are truly blessed to have the wonderful place!  Let’s not abuse our privilege!


If you have a concern for a coach, you may approach him/her before or after practice time, or use his/hers contact information to speak with them.  You may NOT approach a coach at any time during a tournament concerning play time or other team issues.
We will follow the “24 hour cool off rule”.  It states that parents may not contact a coach 24 hours before or after a tournament regarding playing time issues.

1) Player will approach coach and ask to speak about an issue.  Coach and player will schedule a time to talk about the matter.  Coach and player will meet again, TBA, to see if the issue has been resolved.  If the issue has not been solved a parent/player meeting will be scheduled with DIRECTOR.

2) Player and parent call/email DIRECTOR to schedule a time to meet and discuss issue.  The player/parent will send an email regarding the issue that they would like to discuss, to the director, in detail.   The director will review, meet with coach, parent, and player to discuss.  A follow up meeting with occur to see if the issue has been resolved.

3) IF the issue has not been resolved the director will make the final decision.

All Issues will be addressed and a response given within a 3 day period


The Club’s cost structure of a player’s participation is not a variable. This means that if a player no longer plays with his team, the costs do not decrease: the Coach receives the same salary, the same gymnasium rental fees must be paid and his team’s tournament entry fees are unchanged. Therefore, there are NO REFUNDS.

Each travel tournament has fixed costs and each player is responsible for his share of those costs, even if the player does not go to the tournament (pro rata tournament fee, travel and lodging costs for coaches and chaperones, etc.). The decision to attend an additional tournament outside those designed for a team is a team decision and the financial cost will be born equally by all members of that team regardless of whether or not they attend.

Disciplinary – Refunds will not be given for players or parents discharged from the club for disciplinary reasons.

Injuries – Refunds will be made only to players who cannot finish the No Name season due to injury. No refund will be acknowledged without a written note with the doctors signature.   Refunds will be based on total paid to club  less uniform fee and tournaments attended to date of injury or illness. Give your written note to the Club Director.

Disputes/Concerns– If you have a concern for  a coach, you may approach him before or after practice time, or use his/her contact info to speak with them. You may NOT approach a coach at any time during a tournament concerning play time or other team issues.
We will follow the “24 hour cool off rule”.    It states that parents may not contact a coach 24 hours before or after a tournament regarding play time or like issues.
If you have contacted your coach about an issue and you feel it needs more attention, you may contact the director.

All Issues will be addressed and a response given within a 3 day period